Welcome to Wattle Creek
Wattle Creek is a very energetic and friendly environment where all staff work as a team towards the same goals; healthy horses, happy clients and a fun environment with a focus on improvement.
This document contains all of the important information relating to your employment at Wattle Creek including our key policies, procedures, protocols and resources. Please read the information carefully and sign to indicate your acceptance of the content at the end of the document.
If you have any questions about any of the information contained herein please feel welcome to get in touch with me to discuss.
We look forward to getting to know you in the coming weeks whilst you step through your training and are excited to be working with you.
Kind regards
Wendy Lyons
Table of Contents
Employment Status
You will be employed on a casual basis at Wattle Creek Equestrian Centre under the Amusement, Events and Recreation Award.
Employment Agreement
Fair Work allows award variances and Wattle Creek applies some of these variances to the Amusement, Events and Recreation Award. These variances are negotiated with you based on the extra’s you are receiving as part of your training package.
These are:
- There is no minimum time between shifts.
- Minimum hours for a shift – Due to the nature of our industry we cannot support a minimum 3-hour shift. We offer a minimum of 2 hours base shift. For stablehands this shift will increase with tacking up and putting away horses.
- There is no leave loading on holiday pay.
- There are no overtime or penalty rates on shifts from Monday to Sunday with the exception of public holidays where we pay 1.5x your normal pay rate.
- This is a contract between employer and employee and if either party wishes to change any element of this contract i.e. hours worked, days worked etc both parties must agree in writing for the contract to change, if an agreement cannot be reached then then the contract will cease with two weeks notice.
- The employee is to provide the employer with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice upon termination of employment or serve such time that it takes to find a replacement coach to cover shifts. This is at the discretion of the employer.
- The employer agrees to give the employee a regular pattern of work following the successful conclusion of the probation period.
- Both parties also agree that this pattern may have variation due to clients bookings or cancellations of their lessons and the general trend can change from term to term, over holiday periods and with seasons. This will see a change in the base hours but there tends to be a yearly pattern.
- There is a yearly closure period over the christmas new year period. In this closure period there is not hoiday nor regular hours worked with the exception of the stable hands to feed and care for the horse morning and night.
Employee Benefits
As a Wattle Creek Employee you will receive the following benefits as part of your employment at no extra cost to you;
· Wattle Creek Foundation Skill Development Program
· EA Coaching & Certifications
· Riding Skills Training
· Access to Horses for Training
· Access to Demo Riders for certifications
· Horse Riding Lessons with the Head Coach (min 10 hours worked in a week).
· Fully Supplied monogrammed uniform including shirts, caps and winter jackets.
Please note that this agreement does not reflect the value of the Equestrian Australia training supplied and the government (Fair Work) does not acknowledge this training. This means that the benefits you receive at Wattle Creek are not taking into consideration as part of your employment agreement.
WCEC staff are paid on weekly basis each Thursday. You will receive a direct email from MYOB that will guide you through a self-boarding process designed to capture all your necessary payroll data to be set up on our payroll system.
Shift Changes & Communication
Notification of Shifts
Your shifts will be scheduled in our MindBody Application in line with your advised availability.
Due to the nature of our industry WCEC’s weekly shifts can be subject to fluctuations due to clients booking or cancelling at the last moment. This situation is not of our choosing or control but for this reason you must monitor your shift times closely through the Mindbody App and check for changes, prior to your next AM or PM shift.
Running late for your shift?
Contact rostered Team Leader on shift as soon as possible via: Facebook messenger or phoning 3300 6422 if Team Leader already @ stables.
Illness – Feeling sick the day/evening before your shift?
Provide as much notice as possible (preferably 24 hours) and act as follows:
1. Advise Team Leader rostered on your next shift via Facebook Messenger
2. Put a notice on Super Fab Facebook page
3. Email coaching@wattlecreekridingschool.com.au
Requests for Time off or Annual Leave
All time off or leave requests are to be sent in writing to coaching@wattlecreekridingschool.com.au at least two weeks in advance for intended leave period. Requests with a shorter lead time than 2 week will be difficult to approve.
Please note: A response must be received to confirm holiday/time off requests – no response means request yet to be approved. You will receive an acknowledgement of your request within 24 hours and a response within 48-72 hours.
Changes in Shift Availability.
If you wish to change your availability please email coaching@wattlecreekridingschool.com.au and request a meeting with the head coach to discuss the schedule changes.
The Employee agrees to give 2 weeks’ notice for resignation of employment in writing to coaching@wattlecreekridingschool.com.au for part time permanent staff. Casual defaults to the Award rules.
WCEC Coach Passport
All coaches are provided with an internal coaching passport where training is recorded and levels attained are signed off by the Head Coach.
All Wattle Creek Coaching Staff undergo our Foundation Skill Development Program as set out in the WCEC Internal Training Workbook and summarised in the Entry Level Rider Logs. Even high level coaches are to initially teach this content and there are no exceptions. Even coaching staff that bring higher level coaching skills still need to learn and teach this content initially – no exceptions.
- Your employment is subject to successful completion of Wattle Creeks Foundation Skill Development Program.
- Coaches cannot teach movements / teaching tasks if they have not had said movements / teaching tasks signed off by the Head Coach.
- Your continued involvement in EA certification training opportunities is subject to 80% attendance at weekly EA training sessions. If your commitment drops below this level you may be excluded from future training opportunities.
WCEC Coach Levels
Entry Level Coach
Coaches approved for “Entry Level” lessons must follow the pathway of the Wattle Creek Foundation Skill Development Program and are only permitted to coach in the round yard and small arena.
There is no canter in Entry Level lessons.
General Level Coach
If you are approved to conduct “General Coach” lessons these follow the content documented in the Intro Riding – Flatwork and Poles (3pt & 2pt over poles – horse and riders do not leave the ground) and can extend to lessons in the large arena.
Senior Level Coach
If you are approved to conduct “Senior Coach” lessons you teach the syllabus of the Intro Riding and in addition any teaching tasks / movements signed off in your Coaches Passport.
Senior Level Coach + Jump
If you are a senior coach approved to conduct ‘Jumping Lessons’ (Jump Skills, Show Jumping, Cross Country) you will have been signed off on WCEC’s Internal Jumping Program.
No one can teach Jumping where the rider leaves the ground without first seeking approval and discussing the lesson plan with
Rider Logs
Rider Log Entries
Rider logs are a critical part of coaching and rider development.
You are not only required to review previous Rider Logs for each of your clients but to add a new rider log for every lesson you conduct.
This ensures clients receive consistent lessons across all coaching staff and that you have some understanding of the clients abilities and trajectory before entering the arena.
Rider logs should be completed within the lesson time via the MindBody App on your smartphone. Only coaches who are lungeing are permitted to complete their logs after the lesson. You will be provided with an instruction sheet on how to add a rider log in MindBody.
Our Mission
To give our clients the best, safest and most professional service possible. We must all follow the same procedures and respond consistently to all enquires. Whether it be teaching a client, talking to a parent or following our stable duties, all of the staff’s responsibilities should be followed along the same guidelines and standards as those of the Head Coach.
Our Goal – Riders
Our Goal is to maximise the safety of clients, staff and horses by consistently applying appropriate risk management techniques and standards. We teach to improve riders so that horses lives can be improved – this encompasses riding and horse management.
Our Goal – Horses
Our goal is to educate people so they ride and manage horses correctly therefore improving horse’s lives.
Consistency & Communication
As we all know, there are at least 5 ways to do any one thing with horse riding. The “one thing” that the client hears from you must be the same “one thing” they hear from the next coach or Head Coach. This instils harmony and solidarity – if each coach says something different to the client we will end up with an inexperienced rider wondering what to do and who to listen to.
Before you comment or discuss – think first – should I discuss this first with the Head Coach? If in doubt don’t comment, consult the Head Coach and then talk to your client. If you are put on the spot when asked a direct question by a client, say you would like to discuss that with the Head Coach first, and that either Wendy, or yourself will circle back with the information.
Examples of the incorrect information going to the client.
Example 1: The horse you are teaching a child on for the first time today bucked yesterday for no apparent reason. You would not say to the child or parent, “I hope “Cobber” won’t buck today like he did yesterday.”
What you would do is take all possible precautions to stop the same thing happening for this lesson i.e.: side reins; not cantering if the horse was showing signs of being cranky etc. If you feel there is a risk consult the Head Coach.
Example 2: A client wants to buy a horse and has asked you to help select one with them and try it out. This is absolutely not allowed! You should inform your client that you are not certified to do this and that they should speak to the Head Coach. You are only qualified to teach to the level you have passed your EA Certificates to.
Culture of Excellence
What do we mean by “culture?” The “culture” refers to our working environment
It includes:
- The public view of our organisation
- How staff communicate with each other
- Daily work practices, procedures and protocols
- How problems are resolved
- How success is measured and acknowledged
What do we mean by a “culture of excellence?”
We mean an organisation-wide way of thinking and working that leads to a sense of “belonging to a team that will carry you forward” for everyone in the organisation.
A culture of excellence is a mantra to excel, a commitment to be excellent.
Excellence is a way of being and thinking rather than a destination.
If we don’t make conscious choices about the culture of our organisation, we stand to inherit “the way it has always been.”
Ultimately, a “Culture of Excellence” refers to everything from the way people think about the organisation and their colleagues to the rules for working together and the practices everyone uses to “be excellent” and to do the work of the organisation.
The factors that promote such an environment include:
- Shared vision, goals and practices
- Commitment to excellence in fulfilment of the vision and mission
- Mutual support by staff for each other’s success
- Clearly stated and aligned on principles and agreements for working together
- Emphasis on communication up and down the chain of command
- Emphasis on training and development of staff
- Individual performance objectives set jointly by management and staff
A “Culture of Excellence” emphasises standards and results/outcomes, as well as staff development, self-expression, contribution and satisfaction. Managers find the right spot for the right person. The work environment brings out the best in people. Employees strive for their personal best. Mediocrity is not tolerated.
In a designed culture, we are more likely to generate cohesion and unity among our entire staff. The process requires a willingness to let go of the past and to create a future not based solely on history. Uncertainty is a natural part of this process.
What is Wattle Creek’s “Culture of Excellence”? This will be a culture that is ever developing, changing, improving. It will start with a set of parameters that will be refined and added to. As we develop this culture things that were needed to be added will become second nature and not be emphasis as lift out expectations of professionalism. The “new” will become everyday practice and then newer expectations of excellence will develop. Thereby growing our professional excellence
Professional Conduct
Body Language
Be conscious of what your body language indicates to clients or bystanders. This may be your 8th lesson of the day and you feel like screaming however your client has paid for a riding lesson for fun, knowledge and excitement so receiving a non-smiling, exhausted looking coach with a look of “not another one”, means you have failed this rider. Equally, if you are feeling exasperated with a rider, don’t let it show. Change tactics and try from a different angle. You will find that the rider is also feeling just as strung out as you are from not understanding. Support your rider with enthusiasm and encouragement and above all keep it FUN.
Do not sit down during a lesson. Most riders take this as disinterest – think about your coaches – how would you feel if they sat down all lesson! If you have an injury and need to sit down this must be approved prior to your teaching session. Do not sit on the platform when coaching in the small arena. You must coach from within the arena unless it is a squad. When sharing arenas with other coaches and clients refrain from coaching across them.
Physical Contact between Coach and Client
As our coaching requires us to touch our client it is important that in this day and age of sexual sensitivity that we communicate our intentions first. For example, when we changing stirrup leather lengths we may need to push the client’s thigh forward to access the leather. This could be misinterpreted by some as being touched in an inappropriate area (close to groin region), even though to us as seasoned riders we would not take any inference from being touched here whist our stirrups where being adjusted.
It is policy for the coach to advise the rider, prior to any contact and to clearly explain what they are about to do i.e. “Jane, I need to adjust your stirrups, I will need to push your thigh forward to get to the stirrup leathers”. Make sure the client acknowledges their understanding of what you are about to do.
Can I coach outside of Wattle Creek?
The policy for Wattle Creek Coaches working outside the centre is as follows:
- Private coaching of clients introduced to the coaches or in any way connected through Wattle Creek, inside or outside of the geographical area of the Gap, even if the clients have left Wattle Creek, is not permissible as a current employee.
- Selling, lending, riding client’s horses or leasing of personal tack or horses of the coach or coaches to clients requires management consent.
- Recommendation of other facilities or services that have not been endorsed by management is not permissible.
- Horse assessments for clients who are looking to buy a horse is not allowed.
If you wish to discuss any of the above issues with the Head Coach please do not hesitate to do so. If it comes to the attention of Management that any of the above points are happening without prior knowledge the termination of the employment agreement will be enforced.
WCEC’s insurance only covers you whilst you work for Wattle Creek.
Team Leaders
Each morning and afternoon shift has a rostered Team Leader. The Team Leader is the go to person for these shifts and is responsible for not only running the administration side of the business, but keeping a close eye on the coaching and stable hand activities and responsibilities.
Any issues on your shift with clients, riders, staff or horses are to be first reported to the Team Leader. The Team Leader will then decide who to escalate any issues to and follow reporting lines accordingly.
The Team Leader working alongside you on roster is also the person that you are to liaise with initially in the event you are running late or have an issue preventing you from attending your shift at short notice.
Uniform & Staff Presentation
This section outlines the uniform items you have been provided with as part of your employment:
The presentation of a coach is very important for their professionalism and credibility. Neat and correctly dressed coaches get respect and authority.
- Coaches’ shirts to be worn at all times.
- Plain coloured Jodhpurs are preferred
- Clean Riding boots must be worn at all times – no sandshoes or gumboots. Boots
- Hats are mandatory. Coaches’ caps or wide brimmed hat (neat).
- Blue Coaches jackets are provided in winter. No other jumper/jackets allowed.
- WCEC raincoats must be worn in wet weather.
- In the event of uniform damage please advise Management at the earliest convenience and request a replacement item.
- All WCEC uniforms are to be taken home regularly and washed. If this is not adhered to you will be charged for repairs and cleaning.
- Coach’s hair should be neat and tied back if long. Minimal jewellery for safety reasons.
Wattle Creek Equestrian Centre “coach” uniform remains the property of Wattle Creek Equestrian Centre. Uniforms are to be kept clean and maintained by you during your employment period.
A bond of $50 per clothing item is held from your first wages. This covers the return of these items. (polo, jumper, vest, raincoat).
All Wattle Creek uniforms supplied to you are to be returned to the management of the Centre in a clean and usable state. In the event your uniform is not returned upon conclusion of your employment a bond will be kept from your final pay to cover the replacement costs.
Preparation & Care of Equipment
Pre & Post Lesson Preparation
Coaches are required to arrive 15 minutes before their first lesson to catch, groom and saddle their allocated horse. This includes removing all mud from the horse (legs and head included) and picking out all hooves.
Each horse has their own saddle, saddle pads, saddle cloths, bridle, lunge line and market Harborough. Each horse generally has two sets of stirrups and leathers (short and long with appropriate stirrup widths) to accommodate different sized riders. It is the duty of the coach to put the correct length stirrup on the saddle prior to the lesson.
After the lesson you are allocated 15 minutes to unsaddle the horse, groom all saddle marks from the horse, re-rug and return the horse to their paddock. It is the duty of the coach to put the tack away in accordance with our “WCEC Tack Protocol”. The long stirrups must always be put on the saddle when put away.
Whips & Lunge Gear
Whips and lunge gear are important tools and need to be kept in good order for the safety of our riders and the coaches.
ALL WHIPS AND LUNGE GEAR must be brought in after each session and then taken out again for the next session.
All Coaches must supply their own gloves and lunging whip.
Wattle Creek Tack Protocol
Saddle Care
Leather Saddles are not to be left on horses outside for any reason. All saddles are to be either on the saddle hooks or on horses secured with girths. Saddle Covers – All leather saddles have Saddle covers. They must be put on properly over the saddle and fitted correctly.
When the horse is saddled up stirrups must NEVER be down unless rider is mounting. Stirrups must be put up (NOT OVER THE SADDLE) within 60 seconds of rider dismount.
Market Harborough’s needs to be cleaned of dirt & sweat and wiped down with sponge and saddle soap and hung correctly on the second hook on the black bridle hook. Must be hung on breast plate joint. Not by its clips!
Bits MUST be washed and scrubbed with steel wool to remove calcium build-up as well as any saliva or food.
Flash pieces must be wiped down with a damp cloth and saddle soap and looped back through Flash buckle.
Reins are to be looped through the throat lash when put away and noseband looped around throat lash and check piece (Only looped through keepers not buckled).
Saddle Cloths
Saddle Cloth must be put away upside down on top of the second (clean) saddlecloth so that it can aerate and dry. If saddle cloth is heavily soiled put it out for washing.
Girths MUST be washed and scrubbed in the sink with green scrubbing brush after EVERY use. Leather girths to be wiped down with sponge and saddle soap.
- Must be put away behind the saddle on its hook (NOT ON TOP OF THE SADDLE).
Stirrups MUST be put away correctly on saddle. Running stirrup iron up the back leather to the stirrup bar and tucking the stirrup leather through stirrup iron. This includes short AND long stirrups.
- Long stirrups must be on saddle when finished.
- Short stirrups to be put away on designated orange hook.
Numnahs and Risers
to be put on top on saddles in same shape as the saddle however upside down to aerate. Brown round risers are to be placed on top of numnah.
Lunge lines to be down up & Side Reins to be clipped to twine attached to designated orange hook. If no twine put a new piece on.
Arena Rules
All gates must be shut in teaching area.
No loose horses in teaching area.
When entering the Dressage arena you must say “Gate Please” and wait for a response. Make sure when you enter that you do not interrupt the riding in progress.
To mount or dismount the horse must be positioned in the centre of the 20 metre circle at either end of the school or on the ¼, ¾ line – this also applies to the rider that needs to halt and adjust the girth or stirrups.
All horses must keep a safe distance of three metres from other horses.
Riders at walk or giving their horses a rest should use the inside track (1/2 horse length outside track)
Riders should always pass each other left leg to left leg at a distance of 1/2 horse length.
No riding of horses in arena when a horse is being lunged.
If your horse manures in the arena whilst training the rider is responsible for cleaning the arena with the manure rake provided.
Replace rake in a safe position.
Any equipment moved (including cones) must be replaced after use of lesson.
No more than 3 riders in the arena at once.
YOU are responsible for picking up manure that your horse may do within the lesson. When picking up manure from the arena after a lesson, make sure the rake is placed in a safe position – prongs facing down and not in the way of horses.
No over taking on large circle from behind
Stable Rules
- No boots = no stable work.
- No smoking
- No running – make sure children are not wandering around stable if parent’s distracted.
- No person (child or adult) to be put on a horse without completing a waiver and wearing correct safety gear for their ride.
- Rider’s Cold drinks may be kept in Stable fridge for after lesson.
- No screaming or loud noises
- No more than 4 horses to be tied up in stable corridor at one time.
- If leading a horse in the corridor whilst other horses are tied up a verbal request must be made so that other horses may be secured before a horse is lead behind. e.: feeding, upset horse etc.
- If the horse you are responsible for defecates or urinates you are responsible to clean up the mess immediately.
- Try to catch horses wee if they do it in the stable with white skip bucket. Buckets are marked for their purpose i.e. horse wash, horse water. Don’t mix the uses for these buckets.
- All rugs removed from horses being ridden must be neatly folded and placed in order – NOT over the stable doors as this will damage hinges on the doors. Rugs taken off must be put back on before horse is put away. In winter the stable hand brings up the rugs so coaches may rug under light.
- If day rugs are dirty place in washing area to be washed.
- If putting a horse away after lunch hay or bin feeds are put out the coach must ensure horse and or horses in group area are fed. Stable hand will have feed put aside ready for coach to feed when coach puts horse away. If your horse has medications, these will be put a bowl in the feed bucket for you to administer.
- When sweeping the stable floor don’t sweep mess out onto the front of the stable, sweep into a pile and dustpan out to wheelie bin in courtyard.
- No trotting to stable – horses must walk to and from stable and arenas
Social Media & Internal Communication Policy
Like many businesses these days WCEC has a social media presence. WCEC’s expectations where the social media engagement is about WCEC, its products and services, its people, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations are as follows:
- Take responsibility for ensuring that any references to WCEC are factually correct and accurate and do not breach confidentiality requirements;
- If you wish to express your opinions, you must state they are your personal opinions and not related to WCEC and / WCEC Employees.
- If offering your personal perspective on a matter related to WCEC, be mindful that your commentary and opinion does not cause damage to WCEC or its commercial interests;
- You do not disclose other people’s personal information.
- You are not to post or allow others to post your picture in your WCEC uniform outside of Wattle Creek or events relating to Wattle Creek
- You do not post material that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful to another person or entity, including WCEC, its employees, its partners, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations;
- WCEC staff are not to, under any circumstances, “Friend” or accept “Friendships” of clients under 16yrs on Facebook.
please note this policy does not apply to employee’s personal use of social media platforms where the employee makes no reference to WCEC, its products and services, its people, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations. It is always best to use common sense and treat all social media posts as public and assume that the person you would least like to see your social media post, video or photo, will see it. (e.g. parent, employer, competitor, rival). It is also important to understand that some of our younger clients can come to view coaches as their personal role models.
Internal Communications
As a WCEC employee you will be accepted as a group member of our internal Facebook page. This page is used to communicate all manner of information relating to operations at Wattle Creek. It is expected that you will acknowledge, communicate and respond to posts shared to the group. Please note we also use MSN messenger as a communication tool internally and likewise expect a response to messages within a reasonable time frame.
Your Duty of Care
You are required to demonstrate the ability to monitor and control your working area in a safe manner at all times – this is your duty of care.
Learn to recognise potential danger – your expertise will increase with experience.
Safe Horse Handling – Tying Up a Horse
When tying up a horse use a quick release knot tied to a loop of baling twine which is secured to a solid, well secured object e.g. wooden fence. Never tie a horse to anything moveable.
Never tie your horse up from the bridle – a halter must always be used. Halters removed from tacked up horses must be hung on the metal ring and not left tied up and lying on the ground. Make sure the reins are secure through the monkey grip
The lead rope of a secured horse must not be too slack or the horse might get a foreleg over the rope and panic.
Safe Gate Entry/Exit with Horses
Go through gates and small openings at a 90 degree angle to ensure the hips of the horse is not going to hit, or if saddled, the tack will not get caught on the gate etc.
Ensure the horse is fully inside the paddock and the gate is closed behind you.
If you are turning your horse out in a paddock which has other horses in it, it is preferable to walk him a distance away from the other horses, to avoid his rushing at, or away from the other horses. Undo the halter, slip it off the horses head and gently push him away from you before you walk away.
Close the gate when you leave the paddock and ensure it is secure.
Each horse has their own bridle and saddle and tack – you will learn your way around the tack room very quickly. Back protectors are always used.
Incident & Accidents Response
Incidents and Accidents
An incident is considered anything from a dispute to a minor mishap. These need to be verbally reported to the HC or highest ranking staff at the time.
An accident is when some form of First Aid has been provided or when there is some obvious damage to property, person or animal. In this case an Accident Report Form has to be filled out by the coach in charge. A witness also has to sign this and all to be supervised by the Team Leader on shift. The form is internal and does not have to be completed in the presence of the client. A copy of the form is to be text to the HC.
Procedure in the event of a Riding Accident
- Keep the rider on the ground
Calm rider by reassurance. Do not take helmet off. Do not move or allow rider to move. Most riders will have immediate shock just from the fact that they have fallen off and will not know to what extent or even specifically where they hurt. Give them 10 – 15 mins on the ground to allow the blood flow and breathing to get back to normal. You will know when this has happen as their faces will take on better colour. Identify where they hurt by asking questions. Do not move rider
- Call for Assistance (Shout Out or Call Office on Mobile)
Ask team members to secure the horse and provide the riders name to Team Leader on shift to obtain riders information and contact the ambulance and/or emergency contacts.
- Ask the rider where they hurt.
Most common injuries that are experienced in horse riding are broken bones in the forearm and concussion. To get a general idea of what to expect ask them what hit the ground first. If it was their head it could be concussion.
Ask them if they can hear you ? Are you alright? Do they remember hitting the ground? If they held out their hand to break their fall it could be a break in the forearm. Immense localised swelling generally means a break.
- Complete an Accident Report; witnesses, contact numbers etc.
This does not have to happen directly with the rider nor parents but with a witness to the fall.
QUESTION – As the Coach, how do I respond if the mother or father approaches the fallen rider and takes over?
ANSWER – You, as the coach, in conjunction with the Team Leader are the person in charge of the scene and have a “Duty of Care” to your rider to apply first aid to your level of ability. You have been trained to cope with the situation.
Mothers and fathers can become unreasonable and irrational when they feel their child is in danger. If they approach it is up to you as the person in charge of the scene to make sure that they do not endanger themselves, the rider or yourself.
If they wish to take control let them by saying “Do you want me to continue or do you wish to take over?” By saying this, you have fulfilled your “Duty of Care” and handed responsibility over to the parent.
Fire Evacuation
- Senior Person on site is in control – Duties – Ring ‘000’ Record all names once everyone is collected in the Evacuation Meeting Place.
- Coaches dismount riders and take them directly to Evacuation Meeting Place (carpark)
- Inside Staff take families and all other people to Evacuation Meeting Place (carpark)
- Horses are to be left. If tacked up, secure reins and stirrups and leave horse free in arenas. Leave horses in stable, yards or paddocks.
- Report to Senior Person on site.